Saturday, December 18, 2010

Yes, Carlee and MattiLynn, there is a Santa Claus!

"Who is the real Santa?"  My girls ask.

 I could give them a philosophical, esoteric answer - and while  sounding both logical and important, would not truly answer the question.  I could give them a folksy answer - sounding like I was an old man on a rocking chair reliving my life.  I could have given a lot of answers about heart and feeling and such- nah! So I went with....... "Santa is really me and your mama"..(I know that is bad grammar) ..and it went something like this,,,,,

ME:  You see girls, parents do these things for their children because in this world children are often forgotten. Oh they are loved, but sometimes the pleasures of adulthood become first in parents' heads and little girls and boys are left out most of the year.  So at Christmas time, parents have to make up for the time they wasted on stupid stuff like work, cleaning, talking with friends, gossipping about people, arguing about the government, and other entertaining - but not really important things in life.

My girls:   They looked puzzled

ME:  Thinking I know that look - I continue..Let me give you an example.  Let's say it is July and you want to go to the park.  Parents say, can't today - have to do the yard.  Let's say you want a friend to come over to your house and the 'Rents say - sorry the house is too dirty or they say We just had it cleaned - can't mess it up.

My girls:  I could actually see a tear on their faces.

ME:  Oh girls don't cry - we did not intend to be mean, we just got busy with life.  We did not forget about you. It is just as adults - other things become important too.  You will understand later.  Besides that is why we as Santa give so much - we are trying to make up for what we did NOT do with you all year.

My little girl begins to suck her thumb.  My oldest just stares at me.  Both get up off of the couch and walk toward the stairs to their rooms.  I feel a bit of sadness come over me - not exactly my finest moment - but the truth just has that sense of "right" that needs to be said or so I think.

My youngest one:  Now I am sad, those little kids with bad daddys and mommys...why would they do that to their own children...Sure glad our Mommy and Daddy aren't like that....

My oldest one:  Yep!  Plus, Daddy thinks he is SO smart and he does not even know who Santa Claus really is....

I could not believe my ears....oh I heard the words, but the meaning is why I believe in Santa Claus, cannot think of two better reasons....

So that is my Christmas Story - at least that is the way I tell it...Merry Christmas and Keep First Things First!

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