Saturday, January 29, 2011

It's just me and ___________talking

You fill in the _________ for YOU - not me.....and do it everyday and see if the following makes sense - in say  -  1 year.  Don't have a year?  Yep - that's what you said last year - yet here you are....

Recently, I was talking with a guy and he said "I wish I could talk about anything to anybody like you do".  Flattery works well with humans - some days it pays to be human in species only - so I don't bite.  My response could have been more polite, but as with most answers in my life - I selected the truth -  "No, you don't really"  I got that line from Gary Player (the golfer).  I went on that day to paraphrase Mr. Player , so my discussion was not about golf , but on one of 4 things I do fairly well.  I finished my answer with:  "because if you did, you would do what I do.  In 2010, I read 72 books, I made over 100 hours of audiotape of me practicing words, phrases, and voice inflection. I have many hours of video tape so that I can study my body language.  I listen to people I can't stand to watch even breathe, much less agree with,  just so I can gain the perspective of both sides of any discussion.  I practice interactions with store clerks, bankers, school personnel, janitors, and the guy asking for money on the corner.  I have been doing this for 20 plus years.  I make it a point to talk to 10 people I don't know each and every day - even on Christmas Day."  He looked surprised and doubtful.  I went on to say "The Christmas Day got you didn't it?  Well, every Christmas for the past 7 years I have driven from my house to pick up a family member to bring back to my home.  On that trip I stop at Walgreen's.  Not to shop, but to talk with people, the clerks, the shoppers - anyone.  I don't talk long - they are in a hurry - or sad or  just looking for redemption as they buy a toy for a child.  So, YES, everyday"

When I relay this story to people I get a similar reaction to what that guy heard and said that day.  "You really do that?  I don't have that kind of time to work on just talking".  See how the thought changed - once the person realized that there was not just some "pill" or "quick fix"?  You become a better talker, the same way you lose weight, perfect your golf swing, enhance your significant other relationship (OOPS - did I hit a nerve??) - you practice EVERYDAY.  As a life coach, I work with people that want the quick fix and are not really ready to commit to the discipline in both time and effort to achieve what they say they want.  I used to waste their money and my time coddling.  I don't do that any more.  A person either wants to change, alter OR stay the same - neither I nor anyone else can CHANGE that decision.  Let's see how well you do:

What is the name of the person who delivers your mail?
What is the name of the person who drops off the UPS?
Do you know the janitor at your place of employment?
How about the assistant at your lawyer's office, your dentist's office, your doctor's office?
Who is the guy that picks up your trash?
Do you know the store manager at your favorite grocery store?  How about the cashier?
The person who brings you your water at your favorite restaurant?

That is 11 people, can you reach 10 today?...not just today - but everyday?  They do not have to become your best buddy - but think about the outcomes?  In 1 single year - you meet over 3.600 will get better at talking, learn something new and warm a few hearts.  Go where the "followers ain't" ...A reminder:  "Talk with the masses and you will always eat with the best classes.  Talk only with the rich and you will always be just their little ______  (well you know).....Hey Vestavia - you catch that????  Conversation is a lost art - but it is the key that will unlock your soul.  Just like anything else though - you have to participate and practice.   It truly is who KNOWs you and not WHO you know....Still don't believe that? That's ok...there is always next year (for you)....

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Angels without halos - are here - right now....

In every one's life,  events occur,  that alter the way our life evolves.  For some, those events simply happen because no one else wants to get involved to help - they say they just don't want to interfere.  The following is a story of tragedy and sadness.  It may cause you some anguish - perhaps disgust - but even if you do not read it - I ask that you realize the impact it has on so many ....

A woman I know was just coming back around  to consciousness recently in a not so wonderful hospital room. You could see the bruises and cuts - not big really- they would be easily covered with concealer later and covered even further by the story she would make up.  What could not be seen  - were the ribs crushed from a blow by an all too enraged husband.  A man, who repeatedly told her how much he cared and how much it pained him for her to make him so mad that he just HAD to slap her - just to help her.  This was no simple tap this time.  She had lost track of the "times" - especially the past year.  As her husband had fallen on some tough "luck", he drank more, worked less and hit often.  She thought he was a good man -so she stayed.  Oh,  she promised her friends she would leave when the kids got older or  her husband got the supervisor job. The list of promises to herself and her friends grew,  just as her friends' belief in her faltered.  At a time in her life when she needed them most, her friends just would not get involved in a little marital spat. A spat?  Really? 

A few years ago, my friend thought she had it all - a man that loved her, a comfortable home, 2 charming little boys and a future.  But something happened on the way to paradise.  Had she put on too many pounds?  She didn't think so.  She always had guys flirting with her where she used to work.  Of course she had to quit, her husband said it made him look bad that his wife had to work.  Her family could sure use the money now - but her husband had his pride.  Had she put everything else ahead of her husband and made him feel less of a man?  She did not think so.  She went places with him, places she cared nothing about - just so he would be happy.  Isn't that what good wives do?  What she could never quite understand is that while the relationship issues were partly her fault - the abuse from her husband was all his fault.  She never could separate the two and today she is in this hospital bed - hurting both physically and emotionally.  What would she tell her kids?  I was only there a couple minutes - the rage within me was consuming - my eyes ablaze from anger.  I stayed long enough to hear her have this conversation with her sister (the names have been changed)

"You have to leave him"

"I can't.  He needs me and  he needs the boys"

"What happened?  How did you call the ambulance?

"I didn't.  The police just showed up and pulled John off of me"

The cop standing near the bed, waiting to take her statement, said:  "Ma'am, when we came in your husband was sitting in the corner -  shaking.  We thought maybe you had been robbed.  Your husband said he saw Satan, and that THING hit him so many times he thought he was dying.  Your husband said the DEMON had  blood red eyes.  But we knew he was drunk - so we just chuckled"

My friend looked puzzled.  Her sister even more so.

As she looked at her sister, I heard her say "But - but - I know someone pulled John away"

The policeman asked her to to describe the man.

She said :--"I don't know, average size, I guess, maybe close to 6 feet, 185 - 190, white guy, all his clothes were black or at least I think so."

Her sister smiled --"It was your angel.  I told you God would help you"

My friend looked at me and asked "Do you think it was an angel? It was so dark"

I replied - "I  have no idea - not  really my area of expertise.  I need to go - rest well"

As I left the room, I walked quickly down the hall.  Saddened by what I had seen, but knowing that there ARE angels among us.  Just as I was about to leave the building, I spotted a group of teenagers.  One snickered and looked my way.

"Look at that old dude, he thinks he is Johnny Cash or something"

Some stories are true - some are just stories.  One thing is true - and is a reality - every day women suffer through unbearable anguish at the hands - literally - of a man who once said he loved them.  This does NOT have to happen -  EVER.  I suppose you can pray for a miracle- pray everyday for one - I suppose you can try counseling - I suppose you can just try to change yourself and hope things change.  Yep, I suppose you can do all of that.  What I do know is that there are angels out here who can  help you.... some angels wear black and will never have a halo- but that is ok.  If you are in a situation that you feel is hopeless, ask around,  someone you know may have a direct line to a group of angels that could make your world the heaven on Earth that you desire...or at least not dark.....

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Bubba and Bubbaette are going into a 12 Step Program - Let's Celebrate!

I say "Good for them for they are weak...."

Seems to me that everyone is into some sort of 12 step program - 12 steps to losing weight, 12 steps to this or that addiction program, 12 steps to a better marriage or 12 steps to becoming a better _______program.  Dr. Phil (seriously, that is his name - how can you take him serious?) had a shortened version  - 10 Steps to Relationship Rescue (I say he did it because he could not think of 2 more - but I could be wrong).  As I was walking through the book store,  I saw a whole section on these subjects.  If you have  a problem - then there is 12 step solution for you.  I have also noticed that many organizations (including churches) have attempted to get in on the game with recovery programs and group discussions - all in some sort of celebration atmosphere.   It is possible that these programs work and I am sure each of us know someone that went through one (I am sorry - IS working through,  since I am told one never really recovers - it is a process) and swears that the program changed their life.  Once the program is "complete", a celebration acknowledging the achievement or the path to recovery is held.  To which I reply:

"Good for them for they are weak...."

I am not against people fixing their lives.  I am a big proponent of change.  I am also a realist.  People do not change, the situations do.  I can put on a leisure suit with a silk shirt and dance under a disco light - but that will not make me John Travolta.  People that know me may say - "Hey, don't you read all of those self-help books - what is the difference?  You are just a hypocrite, Chip".  To which I reply - "Yes, I do read them.  I have also read Playboy - but that does not make me Hugh Hefner".  The difference is I don't have a "to do" program - I have a "don't do" program.  If I want to make a change - I stop doing the behavior I want to change. Cold.  One day.  Just stop. Period.  Covey wrote in the The Seven Habit of Highly Effective People "Begin with the End in Mind" - to me the rest of the book is just filler (good filler - but filler none the less).  Some will tell me "Good for you, Chip.  A lot of people cannot do that." To which I reply:

"Good for them for they are weak...."

12 steps - Really???  I know many people that believe in them, support them, offer comfort to them and celebrate with them - them being the people I think (although I am sure that to many the program is more important than the people).  Here is a thought - mind you -  it is just a about BEFORE the problem becomes an issue - you pull them aside and institute like a 1 step program to change the behavior.  It would make for a shorter book, a shorter meeting (would not have time for the doughnuts and all of that SHARING stuff), but also a shorter cycle of bad Karma....It won't happen....people don't want to interfere until another hits the bottom or until the person decides to change....It is not easy to get one's attention when he or she appear to be at the top of the mountain.  If you really want to help - do it in the beginning - not wait for the down fall.  Some will say you find out who your friends are when you hit rock bottom.  I say your real friends never let you get there. Some will say "but that is way too much interference - I don't want to mettle, plus they might get mad at me" to which I reply:

"Good for them for I am NOT weak - I will "

Which is my 1 step program - I will.  Right Now. No excuses.  No ifs.  No ands.  No buts.. I will never be the prodigal son - for I rarely ever leave the path less traveled for long  - if it is to be  - then it is up to me - I am the way...12 steps are for those that only wish to go 3/4 of one flight...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

WOW !!! Look how big and with so much stamina!!!

I have won a few bar bets with it.  Actually, I often win by a fairly LARGE margin - "it" is well above average in its breath.  An added bonus are all the phone numbers from really attractive women - but what can I do --- I was just endowed with this gift. :)  Pretty simple really- I get into a discussion, ok perhaps even a little bragging and WaLA...I just whip it out and show it off.  Women in particular are amazed, I have even seen a couple of them blush over the years.  Great ego boost if I were into that kind of thing.  As for the men, what can most say? They just turn around and walk away - no need to stay and try to match me.  It is one thing to see it in its FULL glory, it is another to try to match it and just get humiliated.  I must admit, I never really knew how powerful a "tool" it was until I reached my 20's.  Since I have a relatively small frame, I am not eye catching as I walk into a room.  Oh, I am tall enough at almost 6 feet and I weigh ok at 186, but I am not imposing.  That is what is so cool about it.  No, correction, what is so cool about it is the odd places that I just show "it" off.  I once was in a college class - bored to tears and I was sitting next to a former University of Alabama QB1 (guess he just had to graduate somewhere else - Jacksonville State U).  Anyway - he and I started talking and like a lot of conversations guys have, we both were boisterous and our conversation was filled with bravado.  I knew I had my secret weapon - even though he was this Greek God specimen.  After a little while, I just reached down and pulled "it" out.  He could not believe that I would do it I guess - whatever -  I like shock value.  But with all things good - some bad comes.  Our conversation had gotten the attention of a couple of really cute girls.  One of them turned around to look at the former QB and smiled.  She then looked at me up and down and said "Baby,  if this guy (pointing at the former QB)  had what you have - he would be the perfect guy".  I think I may have blushed.  I just adjusted in my seat, I did not mean to cause a distraction.  Too late, the instructor, noticed and told me to stay after class - she said I had some explaining to do.  I stayed - but that is another story.........

Over the years, I have lost track of how many women I have used it on.  While this may come as a shock to some of you - I have used it on many men too.  Funny how the lines blur when you are having "fun".   With age and practice, comes wisdom and endurance.  I am at the point now, where I can last a really long time.  Usually, by the time I am ready to finish, the person or persons ( yea baby!!!)  around me are just plain worn out.   I am a little embarrassed to write this - (but as I age I am trying to be more candid and open) - I take some enhancements.   Didn't always - but I am also ALMOST 50 and a little help now and then keeps me going  ALL NIGHT LONG... Yep - a little enhancer to make it bigger...what a concept.

Pointed conversation  is my "IT" and "IT" has a couple of friends hanging around Dry Wit and Charm.  I am not the best looking guy you will ever see nor the smartest person you will talk with, but if I can make you laugh just a little on a bad day - maybe you will have more good days.  Some people will not finish this blog for it offended them as it was read - and that's too bad..   A "blind" ear to humor will cause you to experience darkness in your vision of the world. As for the "enhancers" - well no better humor than the "News"  channels.....which reminds me - "Sarah, when is your new book coming out? I got a title for you "Dancing with the Caribou + 8"....... May your day be filled by someone with a big "IT" :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Words Mean Stuff (only if you know what they mean)

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Seems very simple to me.  I find it interesting that hundreds of court cases have been brought forward regarding our Constitution's First Amendment.  Why is so difficult to understand and apply?  As I was wondering, I stopped for a moment and remembered my Con Law (interesting class name huh?) courses.  The thought most prevalent is that a majority of people in those classes, although required, never actually read the Constitution. AMAZING!!!  I also heard many twists on the definition of words.  For example: Congress:  - some said that WE elected Congress therefore, Congress (as listed in the Amendment) meant WE, so it applied to individuals.  Con Law can be boring, a drudgery even.  What I find fascinating to this day is the application of the Constitution and how people who either have not read it or apply it in ways Houdini would be proud, always seem to be able to tell me "they" know their rights. Listening to or reading the news brings comic relief.  An atheist sues because he does not want his son to learn about religion in school and lists the First Amendment (I must have missed that part) as his justification.  A Christian family wants a more religious teaching in schools for their children, because this Country was founded on religious principles stating it says so in the Constitution (as President Clinton made famous - define NO  - the same word as the FOURTH word in the First Amendment).  The cases move on and people contort the Constitution to fit their needs.  Some site it as strict, while others say it is a "breathing" document.  I say (because CONGRESS has not restricted all of my speech) that the Constitution is a frame work and INTENTIONALLY vague.  You may disagree.  In fact,  everyone may disagree and that is what I love about the Constitution - everyone can have an opinion.  The Constitution is a great deal like the Bible and money.  People talk about all three, yet know very little about any of the three.  Of course the First Amendment is about more than just religion, it is about speech, press, assembly and the right to sue (yep right there in the Constitution - those blasted rights appear again).

I do not profess to have the answers - I do profess that there are NO correct answers and over time vague words are adjusted to fit the times.  When the courts do this - some people will be agitated.  However, history has shown that the Courts' decisions fluctuate and evolve.  One person's activist judge is another person's friend.  In the coming year, you may want to take some time and read the Constitution, its amendments and framing concepts. Further, you may wish to read the Court decisions based on our most basic rights.  Then again you most likely won't.....that process will  likely go the way of diets, exercise, money management, work ethic, kindness, meditation - greatly intended - yet never done.   After all, it is just so easy to listen to the news channel we like best so we can reaffirm what we already believe to be true.  A phrase I use a lot is a paraphrase of a Mark Twain quote :  "It ain't the things that you don't know that will kill you.  It is all of those things -  that you know for sure - that just AIN'T so  - that will"    While reading before speaking won't get you to heaven, it might save you a little hell on earth.  People  - got to love 'em - can't shoot 'em!  Which reminds me - of the 2nd Amendment............I wonder.....