Friday, August 19, 2011

12 Reasons I Will Never B "Guvner" of Alabama.....

12.  I don’t care when the A day game is – for either school.  Even though, I attended the Crimson one as a freshman.  I won’t plan my day around the game –although I will admit I watch a few of them on TV – I  just don’t wear a jersey with a number on it when I do – BUT….
11.  I don’t have a number 3 or 8 or 88 on my wall either.  My idea of a fast car is one that tops out @ 70 and can easily turn LEFT.  I would also wear a helmet on a motorcycle...:)  My favorite driver?  Uh…My “Danica Patrick is cute” comment  could get me shot – BUT….
10.  I don’t own a hand gun.   Serves  no real purpose.   However, even @ almost 50, I do ok within 21 feet of anyone with a gun – BUT…
9.    I don’t have a Confederate flag flying in my yard or nailed on my garage wall. I don’t belong to any wanna be militia.  I was a member of the United States of America Army NOT the Confederate Army (if you are reading this YOU did not EITHER)  – “an Infantry soldier I was and I suppose will always be”  – BUT….
8.  I don’t believe I am a hero for serving.  I am no hero for doing what I should.  I will not be honored for dying for my country – making someone else die for theirs?  Well – I can live with that – BUT…
7.  I don’t think the death penalty deters anything.  Many do think it provides for justice in accordance with their beliefs.  I will leave those beliefs to the religious people for judgment (can they do that?) – BUT….
6.  I don’t believe there is only way to get to heaven.  I have my beliefs – and I will always believe in THE Christian God – however, unlike many Christians, I have actually read the Bible – many times.    I have also read the Koran (Quran), Torah scroll (actually the Chumash I suppose), I have studied the teachings of many religions and I made my choice.  Not really incumbent upon me to empirically state what another should do – BUT…..
5.  I don’t think that whatever my belief is should EVER be a part of the governing of my Nation.  You know  - the Nation founded on the belief that Government shall …establish NO religion.. nor shall it prohibit one.   A government needs to understand the will of ALL the people – even the stupid ones….BUT
4.  I don’t believe the stupid ones should run the government.  I define stupid as someone who does not possess the ability to either make a decision or find someone who can make a decision.  I don’t have to like the decision or even be “all in” on it.  Keynes, Freidman, Smith – each were smart – each were different and yet within each economic practice(once someone ACTUALLY reads the writings) one finds many similarities…BUT….
3.  I don’t think everyone being alike is a good thing.  I like diversity (is that still legal?).  I enjoy hearing other views and then of course offering the truth to them….I love conversation, debate, challenging thought. Many people don’t agree with me – they get angry with me – they just can never say I lost my cool – emotion is  for others – BUT…
2.  I don’t like leaving people who either CANNOT or WILL NOT take care of themselves @ the mercy of their own endeavors.  I feel most people are incapable of COMPLETELY caring for themselves and making appropriate life choices.  I know – I know – life lessons learned – costs are enormous, blah, blah.   I wonder what is the “non” empathic cost?   BUT….
1.  The #1 one reason I will never be elected “GUVNER” of the Great State of Alabama is that I am willing to accept those folks who believe in EVERYTHING and ANYTHING I don’t.  Not only can I accept them, I just enjoy being around them – these folks simply make my ordinary life entertaining…and for that I applaud each of you….now – Buy me a beer and let’s talk!  What you think drinking is a sin?  Based on what?  Why?  You think Jesus turned water into grape juice?   Even better - I have had these thoughts for almost 50 years....J

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Civility is just gone....

Emotions run high on a myriad of subjects.  I get that.  People are passionate.  I get that too.  What I don't get - and have not got for almost 50 years is why it has to get personal?  I understand how love turns to hate - for both are passionate emotions.  What I don't understand is why?  I understand the patho-pys of neuron changes in the brain chemistry (at least sort of). What I don't understand is why someone who believes in a way in which another may not - assumes the other is an idiot and thus "all of those" folks are worthless.  Really?  Is that the people we have become?  Or is it just the South?  Strike that - I have travelled way too much and I know that type of fervor is everywhere - on both sides of "pertinnear" every subject.  Southerners are often criticized for their enunciation and diction.  However, one does not have to drop the g on a gerund to sound like a quack.

Everyone  has an opinion and should - but the opinion, at some point, needs to come in line with the subject matter - not a mere dismissal of a group in its generalized form. I suppose that is what we have become - a world full of instant messages, tweets, sound bites and gotchas.  A world filled with prejudice, bitterness and diatribes.  It may have always been that way and I am just now seeing it.  Perhaps - but in the last two days on two separate occasions, by two separate people, I have been called worthless for being somewhat left of center politically. 

Worthless?  Really?  One knows that for sure?  Are my feelings hurt?  That would be impossible - neither of my daughters said it - so an emotional pain is impossible for me.  Does it bother me?  Yes.  Not for the reasons one may think.  If I am considered worthless for a political belief, I can only imagine what my friends who  are NOT the CORRECT race, religion, sexual orientation, socio-economic class, marital status or education level must be called.  You see - according to some,  on ALL of those "requirements" I would be the POSTER CHILD for their CORRECT viewpoint (better than CORRECT on many).  I also realize many on the left spew the same venom - just a different spin - so I suppose civility is just gone.  Gone like the wind.  However, unlike Rhett, "Frankly, my dear I DO GIVE A DAMN"".  People matter to me. I will always be ok - I am the poster child for all those "requirements" and by merely "being" can challenge those stereotypes.  So over lunch sometime - (feel free to join me) -  we can discuss all of the world's problems.  At the end of the meal - I will get the check - for you see when it comes to most areas - I have some worth.....Or at least those are some of my thoughts for the past 50 years...PEACE!!!!