Saturday, November 12, 2011

I was asked yesterday - "If you could be any age, what age would it be?"  I knew the answer immediately.  @ 50, you know there are times in your life you would like to relive - kinda like the GroundHog Day movie.  Many of those days, I REALLY wish I could live again.  So, yes the answer was easy.  Like everyone, I suppose, the times with your children are special.  The times of your supposedly glory days have impact.  Your life with "the one" and your love for the divine are some WOW days.  Yes, my answer was really easy.

I remember the fun I have bantering with others about politics, money and beliefs.  The premise of the discussion is irrelevant - the joy is in the discussion.  Principles are ok, "interest" builds value - literally and figuratively.  I enjoy watching the signs of spring - especially when the amount of clothes the 30 something women wear is less Amish.  I smile when I think of people I have worked with - who perhaps - somehow - someway - learned a few life lessons from me.  Yes, the answer was really easy.

I relish the days when I could read a classic and then attempt to put those lessons in play in today's world.  I remember the sound of a grenade going off and glad that sound was further away.  I still laugh at the times we moved over 3 tons rocks up a hill to build a walkway and play set for our girls - but what I mostly remember about those days was the look on the young 20 something guys' faces  - that not only could I keep up with them - I could out hustle them.  Oh yea and the day my little brother could not keep up either.  Yes, the answer was really easy.

The day I learned I could build stuff and of course, the day I learned I could not build stuff.  :)   The day a poor man got a $10 gift.  The year I really grew up.  The day I realized I had far too much to lose and the gain of the moment was worthless.  The day a young man was accepted into a school he knew he could never attend.  The realization later in life that the decision was the right one.  The annual event of decorating for Christmas.  The look and smell of a garage that never will get organized.  Yes, the answer was really easy.

So easy in fact - I pegged it as 75.  No, I am not there yet.  I just want to be able to keep doing what I do, as well as I can, for as long as I can.  You see, I have a wonderful life and I have known that for some time now...even though some days I forget.  I have no idea if an angel got her wings when I learned the future is about loving the past and not living in it.  So here's to living long and knowing why you want to!  As the warrior Buzz Lightyear would say - To Infinity and Beyond!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Warrior Dad

I think nothing humbles a man more than getting older.  I don't mind moving to 50.  Kinda cool getting discounts - but no one asks anymore - they just assume I am.  As a young boy, I was small - not impressive in size.  By 18, I had grown some - but nothing impressive.  I married @ 23 - she was impressed by my size - but then again she was a size 0.  2 short months later, I joined the U.S. Army.  3 plus years later, when I left the Army, a different kind of guy came back to Alabama.  I knew NO fear, I had NO concerns about anyone.  I was not big, but I was a force and I knew it. 

Confidence like that will get you killed a Drill Sgt once told me.  I did not listen much to that.  Not much you can tell a 26 year old warrior - who a year later added an MBA to his resume.  Another wise man - a Fortune 100 exec - whom I worked for  - would ask me in 1989 "What you can tell a 28 year old MBA?"  Before I could answer - he did and very bluntly said "Not much".  I suppose that was true then and perhaps is still true today. 

When I recently turned 50, within 3 short weeks, I had seen more Dr. and Dentists and such than I had my entire life.  What I learned is that I am in really good shape - for 50.  I am, however,  not 30 anymore though and I have got to understand that.  Oh, I can still move around very well - can still push gravel uphill in a wheelbarrow, I can still bow cut a tree and throw a used dryer off my back deck when it quits working after 7 months.  Frankly, I know it is all for show - for show that I still can (if only to me).  It is hard to be humble about no longer being a warrior - since it took me almost 24 years to become one.  Nowadays, I suppose I just act tough.  There was a country song out a few years ago that went something like "when tough little guys grow up to dads - they become babies again".  My two girls know that - and so does the one I have been married to for over 27 years. 

Yep it is tough getting older and losing just a little of the fear I used to be able to strike when I needed (or wanted) to.  Still, my 7 year old daughter can still boost my ego a little when she says "I don't want to lay on you - you are not soft like Mama."  Which reminds me - I need to get her a new IPAD - just so she will remember to say that. 

Warrior once?  Yep - but now I am just a Dad...Be warned though when little Joey comes to the door - he will think Sun Tzu lives here...unless of course I am taking a nap....even warriors have to rest.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The end of almost 50

When I started my blog my intention was to speak about what I know to be true - and not just true to me.  It was meant to be a reflection of times past, the places in the future and of course right now.  I wrote those through the eyes of someone approaching 50 - someone who had lived through many experiences and who will live through many more.  Nothing has changed since I started this blog - only by the time most of you who read this - I will no longer be approaching 50 - I will be 50. 

I suppose the predictable thing to do would be to attempt to write prophetically - with much admiration toward many and malice to but a few.  I am, as many of you know, not much for the book standard answer.  I have little admiration for many and if truth be told - the ones to whom I might  have malice - most likely impacted me the most and made me, in no lesser part than those I care for, who I am today.   During this past year or so - I wrote many entries - some good - some not so much - some political - some satire - but all heartfelt.  A wise man once told me that writing is a cathartic.  Perhaps - but to whom?  I am particularly proud of two entries:  My Grandfather's Hammer and The Funeral of a Dear Friend.  Both entries speak of who I am - and more importantly who I strive to be.  Time will tell if my writings were true - either way - the intent was sincere.

The four people for whom I care the most are the ones who probably care the least about what I write here.  They know me and I am honored to have my life with them.  They know who they are - but perhaps you do not - so to Chuck, Carlee, MattiLynn and Valerie - thanks for making my life the great place it is. Like a John Grisham book...there is no profound ending - the action occurs living each day not thinking about the past.  Here's to living....may each of you find peace...and a good AARP card so you can get some discounts....or so goes my thoughts from almost (at least for another few hours) 50 years....

Friday, August 19, 2011

12 Reasons I Will Never B "Guvner" of Alabama.....

12.  I don’t care when the A day game is – for either school.  Even though, I attended the Crimson one as a freshman.  I won’t plan my day around the game –although I will admit I watch a few of them on TV – I  just don’t wear a jersey with a number on it when I do – BUT….
11.  I don’t have a number 3 or 8 or 88 on my wall either.  My idea of a fast car is one that tops out @ 70 and can easily turn LEFT.  I would also wear a helmet on a motorcycle...:)  My favorite driver?  Uh…My “Danica Patrick is cute” comment  could get me shot – BUT….
10.  I don’t own a hand gun.   Serves  no real purpose.   However, even @ almost 50, I do ok within 21 feet of anyone with a gun – BUT…
9.    I don’t have a Confederate flag flying in my yard or nailed on my garage wall. I don’t belong to any wanna be militia.  I was a member of the United States of America Army NOT the Confederate Army (if you are reading this YOU did not EITHER)  – “an Infantry soldier I was and I suppose will always be”  – BUT….
8.  I don’t believe I am a hero for serving.  I am no hero for doing what I should.  I will not be honored for dying for my country – making someone else die for theirs?  Well – I can live with that – BUT…
7.  I don’t think the death penalty deters anything.  Many do think it provides for justice in accordance with their beliefs.  I will leave those beliefs to the religious people for judgment (can they do that?) – BUT….
6.  I don’t believe there is only way to get to heaven.  I have my beliefs – and I will always believe in THE Christian God – however, unlike many Christians, I have actually read the Bible – many times.    I have also read the Koran (Quran), Torah scroll (actually the Chumash I suppose), I have studied the teachings of many religions and I made my choice.  Not really incumbent upon me to empirically state what another should do – BUT…..
5.  I don’t think that whatever my belief is should EVER be a part of the governing of my Nation.  You know  - the Nation founded on the belief that Government shall …establish NO religion.. nor shall it prohibit one.   A government needs to understand the will of ALL the people – even the stupid ones….BUT
4.  I don’t believe the stupid ones should run the government.  I define stupid as someone who does not possess the ability to either make a decision or find someone who can make a decision.  I don’t have to like the decision or even be “all in” on it.  Keynes, Freidman, Smith – each were smart – each were different and yet within each economic practice(once someone ACTUALLY reads the writings) one finds many similarities…BUT….
3.  I don’t think everyone being alike is a good thing.  I like diversity (is that still legal?).  I enjoy hearing other views and then of course offering the truth to them….I love conversation, debate, challenging thought. Many people don’t agree with me – they get angry with me – they just can never say I lost my cool – emotion is  for others – BUT…
2.  I don’t like leaving people who either CANNOT or WILL NOT take care of themselves @ the mercy of their own endeavors.  I feel most people are incapable of COMPLETELY caring for themselves and making appropriate life choices.  I know – I know – life lessons learned – costs are enormous, blah, blah.   I wonder what is the “non” empathic cost?   BUT….
1.  The #1 one reason I will never be elected “GUVNER” of the Great State of Alabama is that I am willing to accept those folks who believe in EVERYTHING and ANYTHING I don’t.  Not only can I accept them, I just enjoy being around them – these folks simply make my ordinary life entertaining…and for that I applaud each of you….now – Buy me a beer and let’s talk!  What you think drinking is a sin?  Based on what?  Why?  You think Jesus turned water into grape juice?   Even better - I have had these thoughts for almost 50 years....J

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Civility is just gone....

Emotions run high on a myriad of subjects.  I get that.  People are passionate.  I get that too.  What I don't get - and have not got for almost 50 years is why it has to get personal?  I understand how love turns to hate - for both are passionate emotions.  What I don't understand is why?  I understand the patho-pys of neuron changes in the brain chemistry (at least sort of). What I don't understand is why someone who believes in a way in which another may not - assumes the other is an idiot and thus "all of those" folks are worthless.  Really?  Is that the people we have become?  Or is it just the South?  Strike that - I have travelled way too much and I know that type of fervor is everywhere - on both sides of "pertinnear" every subject.  Southerners are often criticized for their enunciation and diction.  However, one does not have to drop the g on a gerund to sound like a quack.

Everyone  has an opinion and should - but the opinion, at some point, needs to come in line with the subject matter - not a mere dismissal of a group in its generalized form. I suppose that is what we have become - a world full of instant messages, tweets, sound bites and gotchas.  A world filled with prejudice, bitterness and diatribes.  It may have always been that way and I am just now seeing it.  Perhaps - but in the last two days on two separate occasions, by two separate people, I have been called worthless for being somewhat left of center politically. 

Worthless?  Really?  One knows that for sure?  Are my feelings hurt?  That would be impossible - neither of my daughters said it - so an emotional pain is impossible for me.  Does it bother me?  Yes.  Not for the reasons one may think.  If I am considered worthless for a political belief, I can only imagine what my friends who  are NOT the CORRECT race, religion, sexual orientation, socio-economic class, marital status or education level must be called.  You see - according to some,  on ALL of those "requirements" I would be the POSTER CHILD for their CORRECT viewpoint (better than CORRECT on many).  I also realize many on the left spew the same venom - just a different spin - so I suppose civility is just gone.  Gone like the wind.  However, unlike Rhett, "Frankly, my dear I DO GIVE A DAMN"".  People matter to me. I will always be ok - I am the poster child for all those "requirements" and by merely "being" can challenge those stereotypes.  So over lunch sometime - (feel free to join me) -  we can discuss all of the world's problems.  At the end of the meal - I will get the check - for you see when it comes to most areas - I have some worth.....Or at least those are some of my thoughts for the past 50 years...PEACE!!!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Typical family in Alabama....

It is a typical Saturday at our house.  A trip to drop of items for a fund raiser yard sale for our youngest daughter's cheerleading squad.  Perhaps a little work @ the sale - but not me for sure.  By 8, an hour drive to ice skating practice and fitting for new skates.  Later today, we go and pick up our oldest daughter who just spent 4 days and 3 nights at preteen Church camp.  I still gotta trim back some bushes, a few clothes need washing and of course at least one of our pets will need some sort of attention today.  We will go to Church Sunday and this month we will serve as sub teachers for the 1st and 2nd grade girls' Sunday School class.  All pretty typical stuff for a family with active children I suppose.  The truth is our family may not be that typical.
Yesterday on a talk radio show, I took to task the commentator on  the premise of an article that stated over 47% of American households do not pay any Federal Income Tax.  In the thoughts of most Alabama folks who think about such things, that is almost as bad as not having an allegiance to either Alabama or Auburn football.  It is just "not done 'round here".  Fact is though, a great many folks in Alabama do not pay many taxes either.  I do not know the percentage really - most folks just haven't filled out my request for their information and sent it back to me in the self-addressed stamped envelope I provided them.  I would guess though, Alabama is about average - maybe a little more even.  The real issue is why?  My thoughts to this so called "knower of economics" talk show host was "Matt, it is an income issue not a tax issue.  If folks do not pay taxes then the income is too low."  He would not hold me over through the break - but this was my final thoughts off the air:  " Unless of course Matt, you think we should RAISE taxes on those making that little.  I have been listening to your show for a while now - better than the comedy channel most days.  You are now an advocate for higher taxes on almost HALF of the American households? "
Truth is, most likely the 47% is NOT true - regardless of the source.  Do some people not pay - sure.  Do some people  pay a lot - sure.  Are most people happy about taxes - NO.  Should they be happy - Perhaps.  I do not want to go into an accounting lesson, an economics debrief, a stat course or any other academic endeavor.  Mainly because most folks live in a sound bite world and an in-depth understanding of a subject matter is just too time consuming - that is why Twitter is so popular - short and without actual words....
So our family just moves on typically, does the normal stuff most families do and does NOT concern ourselves with how those who pay less or no taxes "go on about their lives.”  So does that make us atypical?  I don't know - but probably.  What makes me atypical is I just wonder why so many people who always post status updates about "counting one's blessings" don't do just that and quit worrying about those who PAY less.  Maybe I am just old now and almost 50 years of thinking has taught me "you just can't fix ignorance no matter how smart people think they are"..or so someone Tweeted me...

Saturday, July 9, 2011

American Parents -- no longer like apple pie and that's ok for most - NOT ME

A week goes by again.  Seems they now go by faster than the weeks went by when I was younger.  I know that is not true - but it seems that way.  While @ first glance this was just another week. In my world it was filled with camps and spend the nights for the girls, beginning of cheerleading for the little one and for the big one - merely trying to find time to get her to meet with the dude that will teach her to play guitar.  All of that seems fairly typical of a parent's life - I suppose I am no different - except I am an older parent.  The thought of being a parent ran through my mind all week.
On many occasions this past week I took exception and mostly likely was the exception in two decisions our great Nation's judicial system made.  In the trial of Ms. Anthony,  the Court did what it was suppose to under the law of our land.  In the execution of the Mexican national in Texas, the Court did NOT do what it was suppose to under the law of our land.  My opinions are not popular around these parts.  I have gotten a few terse looks when I say my piece.  Gotten quite a few nasty little e-mails. Even a few - our laws did not work - but God's justice will!!!! Of course, I got the proverbial question of "What if it were one of your daughters, huh, huh?"  I will answer that now - I will give the answer most parents should - but will not.  My answer is simply "I do not know".  Actually, no one knows - unless of course a parent has experienced just those situations. I do know NO court will bring back the child.  Any questions on that?  Punishment is not justice - may make you feel better - but justice?  Should criminals be locked up for our protection?  YES!  But justice?  The child is dead - justice will NEVER happen... I will flip the question "How do you know how you would feel if Ms. Anthony were your daughter or the Mexican national were your son?"  Again - my response would be "I don't know."  You may think you know - perhaps you do --but doubtful.
Since I do not have to be subjective, I can be more objective.  Which I think I am and public opinion is not.  I have been wrong before - at least emotionally, rarely factually.  These cases this week sparked enormous emotional outcry for the despicable acts.   Rightfully so, I suppose.  I concur deeply,  the crimes were heinous and horrific.  I cannot begin to imagine the torment to which the victims went through.  The horrors each endured were beyond what I can comprehend.  I love a good fight - I find it thrilling, stimulating and VERY satisfying.  The young man in Texas would  have a tough time kicking my butt.   As for Ms. Anthony, I would never raise my hand to a woman - for any reason.  I do know a couple of women that might have a shot @ whipping me - so I am sure either of them could break that party girl to pieces.  Thankfully, that is not how our Country works.  Some wish it were - I for one am glad most times it is not. 
We are a land of laws - been that way for many years.  You remember that piece of paper some of my more conservative friends wave around when it is convenient.  It is called the Constitution.  Most have never read it.   My liberal friends wave it too - they say it is a living and breathing document.  Most of them have not read it either.  Either way it is the law.  As are the laws that follow based on the supreme law of our land. These laws @ the very core of our Country are listed and defined as personal protection(s).  In a republic or a democracy - these must be followed or that same entity has fallen to the depths of what many of us consider ill advised forms of government. 
Ms. Anthony was found not guilty.  That does not mean she is innocent.  It does mean under our law - the system provided due process - just as our laws state the system should.  Kind of like the pursuit of happiness in the Declaration of Independence, no guarantee of the outcome - only the guarantee of the chance.  The Mexican national committed a terrible crime, was found guilty and was put to death.  Sounds just.  Unless you consider we signed an international agreement to NOT do just that.  We cannot and should not choose which laws to obey and which ones to not obey - based merely on how we FEEL.  I do not like the new Alabama law on immigration, but when it goes into effect - I will follow it - until we can get it changed - if we can.
I am a different kind of liberal I suppose.  I believe in the laws we make.  I believe in our government.  I believe in individual rights. I do not believe in mob mentality.  I do not believe that the majority should rule at the expense of the minority.  I do believe in my Country - but some of the people in it right now?  I "dunnoknow", seems some of them have lost the thought of what it means to be an American - to be above the passions of the times .  We must, as Americans, let human rights for which we make laws while dispassionate,  rule our sensibilities when our insensitive passions flare.  Maybe I am wrong, but I have had these thoughts for almost 50 years now.  At least I am consistent.  In the end true beliefs usually are.....or so my fellow Christian friends say.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Never preach Christmas @ Easter and other rules

Why is that?  What would it hurt?  Oh yeah, timing - the level of expectation.  The older I get,  the more I realize that often today's youth idea on expectation is really not far from the folks I see and interact with everyday.  People have just come to expect that certain things are done certain ways  and at certain times and that is just the way it is.  ANY , and I mean ANY, variances and well - you know what will happen - Anarchy....
For those that know me - you all know that I laugh hard at that notion.  What is conventional to me - for the most part - is what I don't do or believe.  Ok - in fairness I believe that children should pick up after themselves.  Mine don't - but I still believe they should....Nonetheless, convention is for the folks from The Handmaid's Tale.   If you know the story - then you realize those in power there actually do not believe it either.
I almost never wear jeans to work - but I almost always wear jeans to Church.  I am a firm believer in equal rights for women - so if you are female - that door opens just fine if you push or pull on it.  If you are not one that believes in my religion - you are safe - I will NEVER preach @ you - just watch me if you want - I turned out ok - you may want to follow.  I am a true believer in my political slant - many disagree - but they are not sure why or what they don't like - but they don't - I could not smile more - most have given up discussing it with me - I smile even more....  I suppose I have always been that way - something to which I am VERY proud. 
As I was working on the never ending project of cleaning out my basement -( many of you have the same project I am sure) - I ran across - what I suppose was my FIRST blog - although then it was merely a letter to the editor of my hometown newspaper - The Gadsden Times.  I directed the letter  toward the Superintendent of Education and others  in the academic admin of Etowah County.  The topic was corporal punishment in schools.  They were for it and I was against it - still am.  It was a hot topic in 1979 - still is.  I wrote that letter @ 17 years old - it got published - right there in the paper for God and everyone to see/read.  I was pretty happy!  Now I read it and say - WOW!  Not a dangling participle in the whole letter - nowadays my participle dangles when I am tired - life happens I suppose...
Yep - I have most always gone against convention.  I was asked recently how I can live with myself - with all of my more "leftist" views.  I just smile and say "I have a million or so reasons why - a lot of them in cash"   I see that line of thought  merely  the same as people wanting  Christmas preached only @ Christmas  - never Easter.  In other words - have the dream - just make sure you don't do anything odd or different or Hell will find you.  Maybe.... - but one reason to preach Christmas @ Easter is that Christ was more likely born in late Spring or Summer anyway - so perhaps I am not so unconventional after all. Or so go my thoughts from almost 50 years now....Here's to different! For no one thinks as a child "Man, when I grow up I want to be average and just like everyone else".  Live your dream - wacked or not!  :)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Braves, cupcakes and economic theory.....

What used to matter  - nowadays just doesn't.  I can remember back when if the Braves lost - I would have trouble going to sleep after the game - nowadays I just try to stay awake until the game is over - often I don't.  I suppose you could say people change - but I think of it more as things change - specifically priorities or purpose.  Still, that concept may not even be the reason.  Perhaps things change because of the time in our life - or a better point "the times" in our life.  I suppose I really don't know.  However, there are a few "things" I do know....

There will always be someone who thinks - even genuinely - that he or she has the answer to economic follies in our life.  There was a time when I latched on to certain beliefs like that - nowadays - I just laugh.  See - I know now that there is not just ONE way for any economic calamity - regardless of the demigods out there.  During a recent exchange with some folks that "have the answers", I was told that free markets and lower taxes were the answer.  I asked my young, verbally challenged orators if they had read that in "Wealth of Nations".  Both of them looked puzzled.   That gave me my answer and the carnage began.  :)  By the end of the conversation - I had spent my hour or so of fun and it was time to get back to the serious stuff in life - like what I was going to eat for supper....

At some point in my life I would have been emphatic about providing empirical data for my points.  I would have paid homage to the Keynesian slant and depicted the "laissez faire" crowd as Draconian.  Nowadays - I just want a cupcake. Some may say I am getting old - perhaps.  I prefer to think of it as experience.  Experience that tells me - "Look Chip, you are most likely correct, but why bother?"  Apathy is not good - and I truly hope that is not what is happening - but it could be.  Another possibility could be that I just do not think it really matters in the big scheme of life.  Someone will read this and tell me the only reason for life is salvation.  Someone will read this and tell me the only reason I can write this is because I live in a free country.  Someone will read this and say the issues with the world is because of immigration (illegal of course).  Someone will read this and say the issues right now are because of liberal policies and big government.  I read that and say "NOW, that is lot of someones!"  My response to all of that is "Well - sounds good, but could someone please tell me if the Braves game today is a day game? If not, I really need a nap if I am going to watch the ninth inning."...You see - the important stuff really does matter - or so I have learned from my almost 50 years of living.  Perhaps your thoughts are different....

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Summer time.....

When I began my blog last year - I started with a story of building - both literally and figuratively.  I suppose this summer will be no different.  My girls are growing up and often during the school year there is not a lot of time to do stuff.  Summer is different.  We have selected different camps for the girls to attend during the "break".  That requires a lot of effort from Dr. Prince and her candy selling husband.  Lots of packing backpacks, extra lunches and driving quickly (but not fast) to many parts of the city - sometimes two different places.  It seems hectic and overkill - but that is often what building a foundation is all about.  I am thinking other parents do the same, although I will admit mine did not. 

I have plans for this summer - landscaping, post hole digging, continuation of a fencing project, the never ending additions to the playhouse, our youngest wants her room redone (7 year old girls cannot be seen with hand painted life size princesses on the wall I take it).  Through all of that and much more - life lessons will be learned.  Funny thing happened along this past year though - seems the life lessons are more often learned by me than anyone else in our house.  My intolerance for lack of execution of tasks is not greeted with the same vigor at home as it is in my office.  My caustic demeanor and chiding of ineffectiveness falls on deaf ears at home - even brings scorn - while @ works it brings a hearty "Yes, Sir".  Compared to my young life - I am a saint @ home - but to hear my girls (all three) talk lately - I am more of an overbearing Stalin!  Which is really my point I suppose....

I can build all of that stuff I mentioned - but if I do not build a bond with the people I am doing it for - then I really will have just built STUFF with my grandfather's hammer. So for all of the bragging about how I do not use power tools, I do everything by hand (ok with the exception of a power screwdriver for decking), I need to use that same approach building a better ME (is that possible??? :)) for my girls.  I suppose I would be an ok man for some folks - even a standout for many.  My girls, demand more so.  This summer my biggest project will be rebuilding me - kinda like the 6 million dollar man - only without Farrah Fawcett - which is a lot like my youth (no I do not still have the poster - threw it out last year). 

Daylight is a' wastin'  - lots of stuff to build - so that is enough of my thoughts from a guy who is almost 50 - but who learns each day VERY important lessons.....

Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Path to the Wizard of Oz....

Lost little Dorothy from Kansas and that yap yap dog she carried around is an image most of us remember.  As she walked along that yellow brick road and ran across the scarecrow with no brain, the tin man with no heart and the lion with no courage, the four unlikely sorts banded together  in search of someone - someone great who would solve all of their problems.  This great mystical creature was suppose to be all knowing, but as with all tall tales, challenges emerged along the way to the promised land.  The wicked witch, the helpful  munchkins and others all played a role in the path to find "the one".  Most, if not all of us, have seen the movie.  As a child, I found it fascinating, as an adult, I find symbolism - perhaps you do as well.  In the end though, the story ends with triumph, without any aid from the wizard - who is nothing more than a legend - and in reality is just a man pulling the strings - literally and figuratively - just so people will worship him.  Symbolism?  Yep.  For what?  Well, as in all symbolism the meaning is up to you.  Could be many things - religion, marriage, career or a silly little carefree movie - it is not up to me to decide for anyone but me.....
Throughout my almost 50 years, I have travelled that yellow brick road in search of all of those traits and of course for a place like home.  Often during that trek, I would stop on the oft chance that maybe, just maybe, everything I wanted and needed would be given.  That is the trouble with yellow brick roads - they are merely a road on the journey and not a road to an end.  Along this path, I grew a brain - with a little help from some talented professors, a couple of powerful bosses and a hell of a lot of independent study.  My heart most of life was hard - but as I live and watch  my girls it has softened some - and while I am a liberal - I am no bleeding heart - I merely believe everyone deserves the basics in life - without or without much effort on their part - does that give me "a" heart?  Maybe.  I suppose the courage has always been there - almost fearless to a fault - as a little boy and as a teenager - my courage was often a whole lot bigger than my size - I grew in to the courage and thankfully - my almost 6 feet frame and 192 pounds - combined with my courage fits firmly together. 
I suppose that story will always resonate with me - it is a remarkable concept about life - we often want something that we don't have - and we simply think that someone or some power will solve all of our problems.  For those who do not want much - those powers can and should exist without recourse - be those powers the government, charity or religion.  For those that want a great deal more than mere traits of which they already possess - the only real answer is self - not selfish - but self action. I heard a quote recently - "I have no choice, but to believe in free will - for if I did not - I would have to believe in intense blame."  I could not have said it better myself - although I will admit - that when Dorothy said "There is no place like home" - she may have said no truer words.   Home, though, is not a place in Kansas or even a place in Springville, AL.  Home is who we are each day - mere mortals  without mystical powers - trying to be humane not just human - still developing our  brain, warming our heart and building our courage along our own yellow brick road.  Somewhere over the rainbow we think we will find it - I think we already have it all - right here - right now - @ a place in each of us - a place I call home...As I close today,  I can hear Elton singing "Beyond the yellow brick road."  Yep,  WAY beyond.....Or so  goes my thoughts from my almost 50 years.....

Friday, May 20, 2011

Emotion like Youth is often wasted on the Young and the Old

Got to love emotion...I mean after all - emotion is the foundation of love, faith and charity.  Or is it?  When you ask someone why they love someone - usually they give you a few TANGIBLE things that person does.  When you ask someone about their faith - they often list a few things that have happened to them .  Charity is great - but while I suppose caring is a part - if money were not required then there would be no need for one to be able to give online with MC/Visa.  I will admit that I am not very emotional.  I suppose I also should admit that I do tend to show some emotion when my plans are not executed - but in the end -the emotion serves no real purpose - the action must still take place.
When my 6 year old was playing soccer this past week I got a little emotional - I did not yell or holler at her, but my body language showed that I did not like the fact she was not taking the game as serious as she had her other games.  In the scheme of life - it really does not matter about that one game.  Unless that one game becomes a habit.  Even if it does, it still will not truly matter.  What will matter is at some point in time, someone will say something to her about not giving everything she has all the time and she may become emotional.  Notice that the emotion did NOT come first - the action did.  Isn't that the way life is anyway?  We never really act emotionally until an action occurs, at least that has been my experience....My little girl may become good at soccer or she may not - the lesson I want her to learn - even at 6, is that actions have consequences.  It will not matter if she quits or plays for years - in life you can quit or continue and it is not the immediate consequences that will cause you problems - the real issues will be how you handle it.  So my test with her is not whether she plays or doesn't - but how she handles the reactions - both hers and others. 
Some of you  reading this may say that is too harsh - too much pressure on one so little.  I say what pressure?  Watching the reactions and coaching "out" the emotions will be one of the best skills I can teach her.  Some of you reading this are getting emotional right now - wanting to tell me that emotions are natural, healthy and wise.  The more I disagree with you the redder you will become, the more passionate your pleas will become and your logical persuasions will get lost in the utter chatter of hyperbole and myopic viewpoints.  All the while I will merely sit back and wonder who could have taught you to be more action oriented and less emotional.
Of course, to many, affairs of the heart and soul are the only factors that matter in life and the hereafter - and I suppose they could be right.  Although, when it comes to accomplishment - rarely does achievement occur on faith alone.  In my almost 50 years of living I have found that  hoping, praying and waving the flag is really about wanting someone to do something.  Would it not just make more sense to just go straight to the action?  FIRST cause Actions rarely cause people disagreements  (although some do), but the emotional, passionate words - then the emotion filled,  ill advised, actions that follow the request or denial are the "things" that do the most harm.
This will get a terse response from some - but I will just smile - and say God Bless - like a good southern boy does and thinks for almost the past 50 years....Good night MVP - may you grow as you see fit (ok with a little help from me)....

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Our Government "is" my Friends.....

As I was walking around American Village on a school field trip yesterday with my 11 year old, I felt a sense of change coming.  The characters portraying our Country's past were excellent actors, however,  as they carried out their points, I could not help but realize just how far we have come as a nation.  I also realized how much we are still the same.  Some of the same complaints those patriots had then - people of today still have: taxes, a voice in the decision , concern about commerce , etc.  All valid concerns, but with one main theme - in theory each wanted their points to be universal truths, in reality it was a lot of talk about how life happens to them.   Who really knows what was going on in the minds of those men in the late 1700's?
The change I felt coming was not really about the Country or government, it was about people.  I could see the cliques beginning to emerge.  I could see the bias coming.  I looked around during the discussion of the Stamp Act and saw the grown-ups nodding their heads - almost in unison - realizing that reaction would be imparted on their children soon - perhaps it should - I don't know.    It was almost like listening to the Rush Limbaugh Show - only these guys had hair - long hair.  I will admit I watch people - stare actually - or so I am told by my family.  I like to think of it as being acutely aware - but my three girls will disagree.  I will admit, there are far worse things than being critical of our government - the worse being critical of each other as humans.  Although, in my almost 50 years of "staring" at people, I have reached the conclusion that if I humanize people I am far less inclined to demonize them. 
Let's try an exercise, shall we?  I hear constantly that we need to get back to the Constitution and have smaller government.  My 11 year old and I got a copy of of the Constitution @ American Village yesterday - compliments of one inspiring lady - Mrs. Martha Lewis.  I read the words - once again.  I cannot count how many times I have actually read it over my adult life - but dozens would be close.  How about you?  How many times have read the ENTIRE masterpiece?  Or do you do what many do with the Bible - just read the parts you like?  Either way - the words do not change unless amended.  You know what I found?  Actually what I did not find?  The word SMALL - as in small government.  I did find the words WE though - as in WE The People.  So with that thought - I have a request for you - when you hear small government comments and you applaud - see these faces:
My friends Laurie, Adria (and cousin)  and Tammy - school teachers and government employees.
My friends Tony and Matt - former and current government employees.
My friend Linda - a wonderful, caring lady who is a lover of animals and is a government employee.
My friend Patti - whose father served the military proudly - as perhaps someone in your life did as well.

My cousin-in-law  Danny who retired from the Public Works - was a government employee
My friend John - who is a sheriff deputy and my brother-in-law  Terry who serves as a police officer - both working for our government. 
All of the teachers who help develop my children and perhaps your children too. 
My friend Craig - who does some high level math thingy -of which I cannot even begin to comprehend - gets at least some benefit from government procurement. 
The guys that check my water meter - government employees- albeit it local.    The lady who always is smiling (perhaps because I do also) when I renew my car tag. 
The list goes on - but you get the message.
Each of these folks - and I have mentioned only a few of those I know - all work in some facet for the government.  You want smaller government?  You fire them.  You wreck their lives and then understand that the invaluable services they provide will be gone.  Once you see people as people - ideology gets muddled - at least for me.  I know those kids I walked with yesterday will one day take on the thoughts of their parents and in many aspects I hope they do.  On idea though, which I hope each child keeps within them,  is the thought that government is "We the People"  (as in REAL people) and not just a phrase to say "they want to take over".  My thoughts today, as well as from  the past almost 50 years, are not emotional - they are logical.  People are who matter, everyone does some good and one can always find fault - if you look hard enough.  I know many of you will disagree with me - maybe because you do not know any government workers.  Just an FYI - they are people - good people - get to know them for it is "We the People" - not "Them the BAD"....or at least those are my thoughts from many (almost 50) years of "staring" and "building"....

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Woman - two girls call Mama....

Tomorrow is Mother's Day.  Lots of events have occurred in the past week - and many lives have have been changed.  Yet, through it all,  people have taken the time to compliment and reflect on their lives with their mother.  I will admit at times I felt a little envious, no regrets, just a little envious.  I won't bore you with stories of my mother, nor pass accolades on about her.  Our life was what it was and life goes on. However,  I will tell you about the greatest mother I know.

I have heard mothers say they sacrifice for their children, the one I know does not think it is a sacrifice at all.  I know some mothers feel they failed their children, the one I know realizes that a mama cannot fail if she gives all she has -  all the time.  I know some mothers think that they should do more for their children or perhaps  - just do things better, I know one who thinks doing more is a honor - perhaps even her spiritual gift.  In a world filled with horror stories about bad mothers, in a country where motherhood is often mistaken for a right, rather than a privilege, few mothers achieve the medal for being mama.  I am certain that there are tremendous mothers out in this world - with many children so happy to call her mama....but I know of no better mother than the woman - two little girls I love the most - call mama. 

I could list all that she does - and she would just say - "well, you know - it is just what you do".  Really? Setting the example for career achievement  - setting the example for service to a profession - setting the example of girl development and fun by leading not 1,  but 2 Girl Scout Troops - demonstrating compassion by providing comfort and care to her 91 year old grandmother without reservation, and teaching Sunday School not out of obligation - but because someone should.  All of those are great attributes.  However, the one trait - two little girls will remember for their entire lives - is not a trait at all, but is the loving woman - who when the weight of her world is pushing on her - she never fails to provide comfort and a smile to two little girls.  Years from now - the toys will be a memory, the soccer games will just be a story, the Girl Scouts will be a reflection and the homework will have long sense past, but the time she spends laughing with them and the monsters she chases away from them will be what makes them want to do the same for their children.  Is their any greater gift a mother can pass on to her children?  So Carlee and MattiLynn, you should be proud to call your mother - Mama.  But all their Mama would say to that is "Now Chip, they are just little girls!"  I bet I still hear her say that went they bring over their grandkids one day...I wonder if one day our girls will reflect on their almost 50 years????? Oh well , just my thoughts on the greatest Mama I know....enjoy your day Mothers!!!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Life Happens...until it no longer does

Why did this week happen?  I am no authority on weather.  I am no authority on religion.  I am no authority on much really, I know a little about business , but I am far from an authority.  With the horrific  tragedies of life loss and destruction this week in my home state of Alabama, I did get a lot of questions.  I know a variety of people - people from all walks of life and beliefs.  So it stands to reason that some of those people talked about prayer and a few talked about "why pray at all".  I think people ask me questions to hear what answers I may give.  They may even ask questions just to get "fired" up by my answers.  I really have no idea why I am asked - but I get asked nonetheless.
My answer  to why this happened was very simple:  "Life happens"  Now that answer does not satisfy most and frankly it used  to not satisfy me.  Nowadays,  I use that answer a great deal.  One of the people I know asked me "Why did your God kill all of those people?"  "Life happens" was my answer.  Another person asked me "We must trust in God's plan.  He will always be there to protect us, don't you think?"  "Life happens ."  was all I could say.  I have found in my close to 50 years, everyone has an opinion, but no one really knows the answers.  I know I do not.
I want to believe that God has a plan.  I just do NOT want to believe this week was part of it.  I do know that weeks like this may push the true believers closer, but I also know that it rarely draws the non -believers closer.  Perhaps it should, but as I said "Life Happens".  As I watched the news accounts of storms and the loss of life, I thought back to the weeks past when the earthquake hit Japan.  I remember reading stories of people in Japan returning safes of money, returning wallets, returning treasures to the rightful owners.    Today, I read where businesses in my home state of Alabama were boarding up the windows to keep out looters.  The local police will be setting up curfews to stop even more looting.  It made me wonder...sure there are many stories of people helping people in Alabama, but there are way too many stories of human indecencies.    When did this happen?
Many people will give me the standard answer of "when God was taken out of the schools"  or "when we started living beyond our means" or "when we allowed abortions".  All of those thoughts raise emotions and feelings , but none of them answer the question.  Japan is not a Christian nation and  the looting did not happen there.  One may say "that is because the U.S. has let their Christian values falter".  Perhaps, but is that the answer?  History shows that the U.S. has always had crime and we actually have less NOW than we did in the 1800's when EVERYONE had guns, so perhaps guns are not the answer either.  So what is the answer to why this week happened?  I don't know why.  I do know what will make us all stronger - stop with the attitudes about which way is better and merely act in accordance with what really matters - PEOPLE.  Ideology and belief are wonderful things.  However, both pale in comparison to action.  The action of helping without reward, helping without being concerned with someone getting something for nothing, helping without applause, helping because helping is what YOU should do - merely because it is the Right thing is the RIGHT way.
I think religious folks are having a hard time this week.  The "God is watching over us" falls on deaf ears to those that suffered this week - perhaps a new line of thinking must come into play.  Sure those that were not hurt or suffered can rejoice and praise - but for those who are no longer on Earth - I wonder what is crossing through their minds?  As for us believers that know "Life Happens", we are moving on. Many, many people inquired about my family and our safety.  Your thoughfulness is greatly appreciated.  Valerie got many more than I did, but I expect that - my answer would be the same either way - "Life happens - until it no longer does".   I know of no man who will lose his faith or place in heaven by helping someone through lending a hand and not just telling a story...prayer is great - but a strong back and some water moves trees.  "Life happens"  or at least it has for ALL of my close to 50 years ....maybe those are just my thoughts and not yours....either way the question remains :"Why did this happen"?  If you have an answer let me know....

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Rules are for OTHER People

Rules are for other people.   That is not to say that the rules do not apply to me- but rather I do not need them.  Over the almost 5 decades of my life I have been around places and people with many rules.  For the most part I have lived within them or at least within the spirit of them.  However, I really did not need them.  Employee manuals are full of "do not dos".  I suppose those may seem needed, but mostly those rules get listed more as a protection in court than an aid to the organization.    Seriously, do you need a rule that states you must show up for work to get paid?  Do you need a rule that says you cannot shoot your boss?  Do you need a rule that states you should not steal from your employer?  It seems so clear to me - but in actuality it may not be that clear.
I suppose sometime, someone, somewhere said "my boss is a jerk - I have the right to carry a gun and I think I will shoot him.  Management thinks that might cause morale problems, so a policy is written forbidding  the shooting of the boss.  Do not get me wrong, since I lead a sales team, I am all for NOT shooting the boss, but if I have done such a poor job with people that one of them wants to shoot me then I do not think a rule in a manual will be much help.
Think of all the rules around you that do not make sense.  Before someone says isn't that what the conservatives say? Too many regulations stops work?  No, those are regulations that are intended to protect MOST of us from SOME of us - there is a big difference.  Rules are designed as a threat - kinda like a parent - "You  better stop before I count to THREE!"  Oh No, PLEASE don't count to three!!
The rules I am talking about are the ones that cause the very problem they are designed to fix.  Employee manuals are needed because it is easier to write a manual than train managers.  Dress codes are easier to write for school kids than actually talking with the children & parents about the right kind of dress.  But IS simple and easy - the better solution?  I doubt it.  I remember once in high school that I was given a one day suspension for being 5 minutes late for school.  It did not matter to the administration that I was late because I had been at work PRIOR to school (you could do that in the 1970's).  That particular morning I was cutting up potatoes @ McDonald's so that those veggies could become McFries.  Perhaps the rules were changed at McDonald's and french fries were made from frozen - just so some kid would not get in trouble at school.  Whatever the reason - it did not make sense - miss 5 minutes of school - get sent home for the remaining 7 plus hours.  Gotta enforce the rules or chaos will come about.  Chaos like - kids will be working more and missing homeroom and we all know what that leads to - right?  Actually we have no idea - probably need a rule on that.

I tell my daughters that rules are for other people - not them.  I tell them that - NOT because they can do as they please without regard for others - I tell them that because THEIR internal compass that their mother, our friends, our teachers, our neighbors and I have attempted to instill in them WILL be enough guiding force.  The rule book should be for others - people need to be @ a level above any rules, without reward.  The reward for doing good - is simply DOING GOOD.  The issue is most people MUST live in a consequence world - without those potential punishments many will not live within reasonable lines.  As for me - I don't need the 10 Commandments to guide me - I already know what to do.  I do not need a speed limit sign and the potential for a citation to know that I should not drive 85 on the interstate or 45 in  a residential area.  I do not need a rule that says I cannot scream at my employees.  I do not need a rule that says I cannot beat my wife and kids.  Rules are for other people - not me.  I know how to live - I do not need the threat of Hell to make me want to do something.  If people do need the threat of punishment in order to live a right kind of life - then perhaps they don't need rules - they need ---so very much more - and unfortunately most people cannot or will not govern themselves - so we make more rules.  Those of us that do not need them - just laugh and say - I already knew that.... Those aren't just my thoughts from almost 50 years - those are the thoughts of the learned since the beginning of time.  Maybe that should be a rule....

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Question - When did the Conservatives Steal God?

If you put a buzzard in a pen that is 6 feet by 8 feet and is entirely open at the top, the bird, in spite of its ability to fly, will be an absolute prisoner.  The reason for that predicament is that a buzzard always begins a flight from the ground with a run of 10 to 12 feet.  Without space to run, as is its habit, it will not even attempt to fly, but  will remain a prisoner for life in a small jail with no top.

In many ways, there are lots of people like the buzzard  They are struggling "all about" with all their problems and frustrations, not ever realizing that the answer is right there “above" them.  This is not a biblical reference intentionally – although many of you may see it that way (a few of you will tell me that it should be the ONLY reference).  I will just say God Bless You and let’s move on to my point….

Every day during my adult life I have either answered questions or asked questions. In my younger days I know I questioned everything - probably still do.   Normally, I have tons of empirical data to support any claim I make.  I must admit though, on this one I do not.  So, I am going into some uncommon “waters” here and maybe I will not drown.  I will state however, that I feel that I have often learned more and TAUGHT more by asking questions than giving answers.  What I have found is that more people believe what they themselves say – however obscure, rather than almost anything that I say.  Much like the buzzard, people want to believe that the way they have believed, felt and heard all the days of their lives is the truth.  I am not much of a scientist, but I do understand the Socratic Method and statistical analysis.  So as I go about pondering what I am told, instead of telling - I ask questions so that when the answers come out - I did not say them - the other person does.  People do have a tendency to belief themselves.  Which is why I ask this question:

When did the Conservatives Steal God?

Oh some of you may think you have the answer.  On the Conservative side : Let me guess #1 "When the liberals took prayer out of school"  #2 "when that activist Court set up Roe v Wade   #3 "When the Libs gave up"  All those sound nice and neat.  Are they valid?  Do you really think so?  On the Liberal side  #1 "God never left us"  #2 'We did not want to offend anyone" # 3 "That's funny! A conservative stealing"  All quite cute answers - "don't make any sense" - but they are topical statements.  You guys are suppose to be pointy head brainiacs - those are your best answers? 

What if I asked you these questions:

The Conservatives had to steal God because he did not want to go?  There is not enough God for everyone?  When did God choose sides?  How long have you felt this way?  Do your friends all agree with you?  Do you have any agnostic friends?  Any Muslim friends?  Any Jewish friends?  Do you have any friends at all?  Is God a political statement?  These questions could be tough.  Are you angry now because of the questions or because the questions actually question the statements you were going to make?  If you were on trial, would your statements make a jury of your peers convict you on your convictions?  Would the jury simply be unable to reach a decision?  Would the jury acquit?  Questions do not prove anything - but the truthful answers to them do.  I do not have the answers.  Of course,  if I were Mark Driscoll, I would - for he thinks asking questions shows weakness.  I say are you sure Mark?  Questions may not solve the world's problems - then again - in a world where we tell much more than we ask - you never know.....My thoughts have been questions for almost 50 years now and I wish that I may never grow up.  What do you think?  Careful, your answer says a lot.  Remember, I think I am a fairly smart old buzzard and  I do have 11 feet of space cleared.  My statement is not even a question I know I am going up.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Remember how to live - like you once did....

I remember days of playing baseball (poorly perhaps) as a young boy.  I remember laughing as I fell into a small creek - which was too big to jump across.  I remember when having breakfast for supper was just so darn fun.  I remember wondering why my childhood was so tough.  I remember when the most worries I had was whether she was going to mark YES or NO on the paper I sent her that asked (ok begged) the question:  Do You Love Me?  I remember driving my first car.  I remember my first fight.  I remember my first love.  I remember my first brush with death.   I remember the heartbreak of love lost.  I remember hearing about God and Jesus.  I remember my first paycheck.  I remember my first bank account.  I remember my first tax return.  I remember my first date with my wife.  I remember the first time I held an M-16.  I remember the introduction of Chicken McNuggets and actually cooking the first batch.  I remember leisure suits , silk shirts and simply Stayin' Alive.  I remember college and grad school - and how easy both actually were. I remember my little brother being a pest and how now I do not know anyone who is a better friend.   I remember playing football  in the yard and dreaming about being a star (and knowing I would not be).  I remember being a high school drum major.  I remember the days of consulting billable hour sales and travel.  I remember the day I accepted my current job - one of my better decisions. I remember running track and realizing I had "game".  I remember the day I married (and the 27 years since) a woman who owes me nothing but  honors me with her mere presence.  I remember the birth of my two girls and the indescribable excitement of those 2 days (and the many tired days since - as a parent you understand).  Yes, I remember all of that and a whole lot more.  What I don't remember is when the people I used to know left who they were to become who they are :  Intolerant at times, worried about what others get - instead of what they have, complainers on issues of which they have never even attempted to understand and unwilling to concede that everyone they berate is a human - is some one's child and not a machine.

Perhaps, I live in a time out of touch with the rank and file.  Perhaps, I live in a place where I see people as people - with all the issues of life - but take each as an individual - not as a collective.  I rarely generalize - in fact one of the best parts of my day is during a conservative - liberal debate with a guy @ work.  This guy actually is an owner of my Company, yet I never back down and he would not have it any other way.  What makes it work for us - is the respect we have for each other - it is NEVER personal. While I do believe I am right in my beliefs, I am tolerant of others'  beliefs (however misguided they may be :) )  As I was thinking about what I would write this week - this topic was not it.  I was going to talk about my belief in humanity - and how it has always been there.  I believe in good  works - I believe they will get you to heaven.    For some of you, I just committed blasphemy and your comment will be about how wrong I am.  You will tell me that you will pray for my soul and hope I change. You will find scripture that supports your claim.  I could  find scripture that supports mine- but you are set in your beliefs - so why?.  Is that who we are now?  To those who feel this way - I am sorry - you don't get it and you don't get me.    However, I remember what a wise man once told me - "Never discuss politics, religion, money or sex.  Of course you won't have any fun, friends or enemies, but you will get a lot of solitaire played"  So, I have a little fun (ok a lot of fun) everyday. Every day is an adventure in the world of words for me.  Speaking of that - I hope you enjoy this video I posted below...this will  either excite you or anger you - but in the words of Manford Man's Earth Band  " BUT MAMA, THAT's WHERE THE FUN IS"    So I guess I still remember that song, that mantra, and that's just my life.  SO.... for another week - there goes my thoughts from almost 50 years -  Life and eternity is most likely not fear or respect ---- and love is not just a feeling - both are about doing and remembering good - right here - right now...before it is too late.....

Friday, April 1, 2011

Are you really a liberal or conservative - I say NO!!!

1.        As a liberal, you believe in the right to file a lawsuit when you have your rights violated or health endangered by someone.

Sounds good – get to it.  Yes, you have that right.  But before you file, let me change the scenario:  Someone  files suit against the company you (the liberal) own because one of your employees spills  coffee on that customer.  Should that customer get damages of pain, suffering and punitive?  Lawsuits sound good when the benefit is to you or merely in theory.  Not always so clear when it is directed AT you.

2.        As a conservative, you believe in law and order, support the police, etc.  You hate trial lawyers – for EVERYONE knows they are slime,  right?

Sounds good – get to it.  Yes, you have that right.  But before you continue on your crusade, let me change the scenario:  YOUR daughter has just been arrested for drug possession – 1st time she has ever been in trouble (as far as you know).  So of course you let her stay in jail, because WE all know that if someone is arrested – that person must be guilty.  So you call your tax attorney to get her out and then to represent her at trial.   Not always so clear when it is directed AT you is it?

3.         As a conservative, you believe in prayer in school.  You feel this Country was founded on Christian beliefs, it says so right there in the Constitution (actually it does NOT - but facts are irrelevant). 

Sounds good - get to it.  Yes, you have the right to feel that way.  But before you continue to preach on, let me change the scenario:  The prayer selected for school is the Jewish prayer.  Now, some of my friends are happy, some wish there were now NO PRAYER in school.  Not always so clear when what you wish for turns out to be a surprise is it?

      4.  As a liberal, you believe in freedom of choice on reproductive rights. Yes, under Roe  v. Wade, you have that right. 

           But before you continue on your tirade, let me change the scenario and remind you how  adamant you are when the Pro-Life movement restricts you.  Careful with your rhetoric  my  liberal friend.  Liberals are suppose to be about freedom of choice - not A choice.   Not always so clear when it comes back at you is it?

       5. As a conservative you say give me a gun, heck give me two.  You appear to have that  right.

          But before you can say Charleton Heston, let me change the scenario.  That gun you own was just used by your 11 year old son to shoot your 8 year old daughter and her little 7 year old  friend.  But hey, guns don't kill people right?  I am sure you will say you had the gun locked in a gun cabinet.  So that is the story today.  I thought the story was you kept it by your bed for protection.  Truth gets confusing huh?

      6.  As a liberal, you believe in fairness and helping people.  You rose to the top of your  profession and while you scream liberalism, you normally just rant about how "fat cats" have all the money and should give more.

         Let me change the scenario for you before you go all Ghandi on me:  If I check your giving records will I find  enough evidence to provide support that you are a liberal or are you just one of those do as I say not as I do people?

Throughout my almost 50 years I have found most people are neither all the way conservative nor truly liberal.  People do like labels and a sense of community though - makes them feel like they belong..  As for me - I am a liberal- not a TV News liberal - but a true liberal.  I define my liberalism simply as:  1) You as a human have the right to act the way you wish as long as it does not harm anyone.   2) Governing bodies should intercede, even when the majority thinks perhaps the government should not, so that ALL Americans can have the right to pursue happiness - not just the ones we like because of the color of their skin, their religion, their sex or any other divisive issue.  3)  Human dignity and preservation takes precedence over all thoughts, values and monetary increments.  4) The best of us will be judged one day on how we treated the least of us.

You may not be a liberal because of what you think a liberal is.  I am a liberal because I do believe the 4 items I listed.  Some of you may be a conservative - and that is cool with me.  However way you lean, if you find fault in the 4 items I listed, I can only pray that you do not get into any of the situations I listed at the beginning.  For most of my almost 50 years, I will tell you that when I have broken from those 4 principles, good never emerged.  But what do I know you may say , I am just a poor, dumb,  liberal  - ok maybe I am just 1 out of 3 of those.