Saturday, February 12, 2011

Disagree with Me - That's Cool - Let's Talk - I'll Buy

When was the last time you talked to someone with whom you vehemently disagreed?  Was it uncomfortable?  Do you know why?  Most people I know tend to hang around people that agree with their ideas.  Now that makes sense since we all like to be comfortable and relax (ok so I really do not like to just relax- but most people do).  For me, if I talk to someone who thinks just like I do, believes in the same principles I do, eats the same type food, and meanders through life being  just  like me - then,  first they are RARE, second I will learn very little and third I will be bored.  I learned at any early age different is good.  Many people that know me feel that I have being different effectively mastered.  Could be....but...

I don't think I am that different than you...oh in some ways I am, but in many ways I am much like you.  I want the Miss America stuff - world peace, feed the hungry and poor (ok Glen Beck &  I disagree here), but you get the point.  I,  just like you, also want to be a person that lives a life FOR something, not just against something.  On that point alone, that eliminates me from being  a talk show host - and I would be willing to bet (I know I cannot do that in Alabama) that if you are reading this right now - you are not one of those. Why read when you can just make up stuff, right?

When I talk with people, and as you know by now I do that a lot, I want them to talk with me like they mean it.  A conversation with passion, an understanding of WHY they believe the way they do and one based on the possibility that the facts presented by them or ME, could be wrong.  Most people will not do that and many claim that the reason they don't is that they wish to be polite.  I suppose by polite they mean:  as they walk away they mumble "That idiot - who does he think he is?"  NEWSFLASH:  I know who I am - what I would really like to know is - Do you know who you are and more importantly WHY you are who you are?
I believe in choice - although I will say lately - I have begun to realize that while everyone MAY have a choice - choosing is much more difficult than I thought.  I would not have realized that fact had I only hung around just my Vulcan friends and not had a few discussions  with some Klingons, Romulans and even those weird human people....I like different - different is my about you?
I will ask you a few questions - just think about them - no need to respond - but if you decide to - I will be very happy to engage.

1.  Could you talk to someone about economics and have facts -- not just news?
2.  Could you talk about God, his presence, his being and never mention your particular religion or holy book?
3.  Could you talk about building a barn, even though you are from the city and have never raised a hammer, much less a barn?
4.  Could you talk to a rape victim who is wearing provocative clothing and not be at least a little judgmental?
5.  Could you talk about war as if you had been there as opposed to how you think it is?

These are easy questions for me -and I love to talk to people that have an opinion - the stronger the better...just be aware - talking is my life - it is not only what I do - it is who I am.  I only do 4 things and I do them fairly well:
1.  I talk pretty well
2.  I write even better
3.  I am almost always (no such thing as 100%) prepared for anything
4.  I have the strongest fear of losing - so therefore I don't - not by avoidance - but by execution of the first three...
Can we talk even if we vehemently disagree?  I know I can....

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