Saturday, March 5, 2011

Guns, Guns everywhere and all the people shrink

I know guns don't kill people - people kill people.  So you like that idea do you ---- killing someone?  Much success so far?  You may like guns.  You may not like guns.  I like the fact that you have a choice and Actually make one.  Personally, I don’t like guns.  As with all beliefs I hold, this one is based on my life and thoughts from almost 50 years.  My first introduction to real handguns was coming face to face with three men , all armed, who knocked on the door of my childhood home looking for my father.  While it is nice to learn lessons while one is young, 9 was a little too young don’t you think?  I had several more "lessons" throughout my youth, one on an eventful night in 1975, and yet another at my home by a guy who always pushed the bad guy image to a limit.  Looking through my jr. high yearbook – The Bounty – I found a reference to that night – penned by a girl who was a dear friend of mine and whose sister followed me as Gadsden High Drum Major:  She wrote :  “and I’ll always remember when ____ pulled that gun on us  & I really would like to be the first to know if he does it again”.  I was 14. 
My response to all of that was of course : “I am getting me a gun!”  I did. I got one @ 15, kept it with me, in my car @ all times , even on me,  some days,  until I left for the Army in 1984.  Those were different times, under different rules in the 1970’s and 1980’s.  You can’t do that today – and I feel you shouldn’t.  You may read this and say – “No one said kids should have guns.”  You are correct – no one did.  My argument is not whether you have the right to a gun or don’t  have the right to a gun.  (Yes, I understand D.C. v. Heller as well as I understand the 7 decades of precedent under Miller…If you don’t then don’t quote me the law,  please!).  My point is all of those people having guns – some legal,  some not – made them feel invincible.   Something most likely they would NOT have felt had they NOT had a gun.   I know I would have been a whole lot less cocky.
The Army changed my opinion about guns.  I found that guns are the last resort – funny huh?  I also found that the military does not have guns – we have weapons.  Call your primary weapon a gun in front of the cadre and you will do so with it held over your head for longer periods of time than your arms will allow.    I learned much in the military:  Weapons make noise – Rangers do not.    Weapons have muzzle flash – quick turns of your wrist on someone’s neck do not.  Weapons leave casings – a metal baton with a mere 12 pounds of pressure will make a man’s knee buckle without any stuff laying around.  I also learned that bullets tear through clothing and skin – even through Kevlar.  I also learned that bullets burn inside your body.  I also learned that no matter how hard you try,  seeing blood gush out of a buddy’s chest,  it is not quite like it is when you see it in the movie theater or talk about it on a bar stool.  You see, while it is true – guns do not kill people – people kill people – most people need a gun to actually kill someone.  Which, I suppose is really my point today. 
I am not sure I know anyone that has ever been killed on a shooting range –but,   I am sure there have been.  You know the shooting range right?  The one where you wear those cute little things over your ears, the target is this piece of paper up to a 100 feet away, maybe your target is a pop up one and you are just so so happy that  you hit it.   You brag to all of your buddies and you are so proud!  One question – how many of those targets fired back?  I bet NONE.  You see, when you will need your skills the most is when you are under the most pressure to perform:  Your home is broken into in the middle of the night.  You are approached on a dark road after your car had a flat.  You see someone in a parking lot shooting people.  These three times would be excellent times to use your weapon and for most people this is the time they most likely will not.  Fear takes over.  The once pronounced ego and bragging is now seeking cover.  Some of you think you might could react and perhaps you are right – but most of you will bail and for that I am glad, I don’t want you getting hurt -  or worse  - you hurting others. 
I once got a medal for being the best shot in my Army training unit – no really big deal – but I will admit the shot group was tight – real tight.  I also got a thank you for being able to fire while a mortar round and live fire was coming at us.  I think the thank you wasn’t for having a tight shot group…the thank you was for being able to react.  I have that medal somewhere I suppose …but I can still talk to the guy that shook my hand that day – guess which one matters to me?
 I see now where Texas wants to allow students on college campuses to be able to carry concealed weapons.  WOW!  I have been to college – not sure I want some of those guys carrying anything close to being a weapon.  I see where the NRA spokesman writes:
 Anti-gun politicians can no longer deny that the Second Amendment guarantees a fundamental right,” said NRA chief lobbyist Chris W. Cox. “All law-abiding Americans have a fundamental, God-given right to defend themselves 
 God-given?  Really?
I am not a Constitutional lawyer, but along my educational background I have been in many law classes, Con Law being one of my favorites.  I did really well in that  class, so well in fact that since the course was graded on a curve and I was blowing the curve, I was asked to shave a few points sometimes.  I declined.  One day, however, an excellent offer came forth. A very cute and extremely "blessed" brunette asked me if we could make a "trade".  I have a weakness for  very smart women (many of you know that) so obviously I declined - for if she were VERY smart - I would have been asking her.  Fact is, the Constitutional law is made by man and the study of it should not be altered by emotion nor in this case instinct....

 So perhaps this little blog will not change your mind about guns, I really did not think it would.  Just remember though, criminals who will kill you, will kill you faster if they are threatened.  I, on the other hand, am not a criminal and  I know that most likely you are only a threat to yourself in a situation where you have neither the experience nor the patience to act, but right now in the comfort of your chair – you feel invincible – the gun near your side.  Not sure that was the intent of the second Amendment:
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Not sure many criminals can recite this ....but I have been wrong before.  Maybe the criminal that comes for you will be well read, realize you have a gun and run away– there are lots of those.

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